Earlier this year I was paying a little over 120.00 to fill up my truck, today I was able to fill it up for a little over sixty bucks, I went straight to the store and bought balloons to celebrate! After getting home I hopped on line to catch up on the latest news and right before my very eyes was Gov. Jon M. Huntsmans latest spew of asinine absurdity. It seems that he feels that the gas prices in the state have fallen too low, this whole time I have had OPEC pegged as the enemy but the man I voted into office is the one planning to bend me over the fence this time. Mr. Jon wants to add another 25.5 cents to the price of a gallon of gas to get the money needed for the road projects that were put on hold just a couple weeks.
In October of 2006 the state reported a 500 million dollar surplus, in June of 2007 it fell a little to 260 million and finally in February of this year the state was going to have 340 million less than it thought to work with but it still has 613 million bucks pay with… Poor babies, HEY HUNTSMAN!! I just paid to register my truck then I gave the state some more money to renew my license so that I can keep working as electrician and I have twenty bucks surplus for the month but I know the state needs it more than I do so by all means bring that gas price back up so you can get every last cent I have. I don’t mind, after all I am the dim wit that voted for you thinking that you were a conservative but I should know better, just because it says R next to the candidates name now it dosn’t mean your getting a person that shares your values. What it does mean is that you will vote for some one that will lie and tell you they think the way you do until they get into office and then once in office they will completely abandon their constituents in order to reach across the isle to make peace with the people that ran their name into the ground. But in four years they will be your buddy again. But back to the gas. Mr. Huntsman, stop! I know things are rosy right now but lets not forget OPEC is going to do everything possible to run the price of crude back up over a hundred bucks a barrel we don’t need you putting more taxes on it right now when we can finally catch a breath of air. Let us enjoy it for a little bit while we can, I am sure next summer the prices will sky rocket again and you can go back to preaching global warming and how we need to stop driving and riding bicycles more, wait then we wouldn’t need the 4 billion dollars in road work done…. Which is it Jonny boy?
In October of 2006 the state reported a 500 million dollar surplus, in June of 2007 it fell a little to 260 million and finally in February of this year the state was going to have 340 million less than it thought to work with but it still has 613 million bucks pay with… Poor babies, HEY HUNTSMAN!! I just paid to register my truck then I gave the state some more money to renew my license so that I can keep working as electrician and I have twenty bucks surplus for the month but I know the state needs it more than I do so by all means bring that gas price back up so you can get every last cent I have. I don’t mind, after all I am the dim wit that voted for you thinking that you were a conservative but I should know better, just because it says R next to the candidates name now it dosn’t mean your getting a person that shares your values. What it does mean is that you will vote for some one that will lie and tell you they think the way you do until they get into office and then once in office they will completely abandon their constituents in order to reach across the isle to make peace with the people that ran their name into the ground. But in four years they will be your buddy again. But back to the gas. Mr. Huntsman, stop! I know things are rosy right now but lets not forget OPEC is going to do everything possible to run the price of crude back up over a hundred bucks a barrel we don’t need you putting more taxes on it right now when we can finally catch a breath of air. Let us enjoy it for a little bit while we can, I am sure next summer the prices will sky rocket again and you can go back to preaching global warming and how we need to stop driving and riding bicycles more, wait then we wouldn’t need the 4 billion dollars in road work done…. Which is it Jonny boy?
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