I love my Dodge truck, I loved the one that I owned before the one I have now and when my current dodge that I own is dead I will get another one if Chrysler is still around. Which brings me to my point. It is the big three in Detroit that are in trouble and looking for a bail out from us the tax payers. This has happened once before you know. Chrysler fell flat on it face in the early 80’s and look where they are again. I say let em all fall, perhaps they will then be able to fix what is broken. If I was to make a guess as to the monkey on their back it would be the United Auto Workers of America, this union has been the problem for the last ten years for all three of them and they need to be stopped. If you don’t believe me look at Toyota, they are still running strong and a big reason for that is the fact they are not controlled by a union. Let me explain. General Motors is among the 4% of employers in America that pays the full amount of the monthly insurance cost of their employees, which translates to $1,100 to $1,500 added to the price of the 4.65 million vehicles that they sold last year, also the retirees that still get these benefits out number the workers 2:1. Toyota spends about $300 per employee and only has about 1,000 retirees in north America versus the 400,000 that general motors has. Do the math, that’s huge. UAW is not the only ones to blame here the corporate suits are also to blame for accepting the contracts just to keep the lines rolling. Therefore let them fall apart and rebuild ON THEIR OWN. When I was old enough to start making my own financial decisions I really really fouled up and that is putting it mildly, I was forced to get out of it on my own and guess what? I will never ever make those same mistakes, I couldn’t go to my Uncle Sam for help, he would have just laughed at me and rightfully so. The tax payer wasn’t responsible for my stupidity and it is the same way for all these companies in trouble right now. I didn’t make the decisions that are hurting them so why should I pay for them. I understand that it will hurt America as a whole but I am willing to take it on the chin for right now if it means things will be more secure in the future. What they purpose we do now is just a band aide and in another twenty years ( just like in the 80’s) the problem will still be there and uglier than it was before, how long can we keep putting a band aid on the problem? We must stop it now so they can fix it on their own accord and rebound stronger than they are now.