Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Change… I remember a little over four years ago, I was watching the Democratic National Convention and a young senator by the name of Barack Obama was their key note speaker, I remember thinking to my self he is so good at speaking that he will be a problem if he ever runs for president. I am a die hard conservative, I will not waver on that, but after his speech that night even I had goose bumps, granted most of what he delivered in that speech had the same amount of clout the poop my dog just deposited in my back yard does but I still had goose bumps. So I suppose that I cant blame the people that fell for his hooey in this election, after all they don’t suffer from the same nerd jean I have that makes me obsess over government polices and this game we call an election, After all if he can give me goose bumps with what I know I can see how someone who takes what he says at face value punching the ballot for him. Folks who voted for the GOP candidate really had to plug there nose this year because our candidate stunk but he was the lesser of two evils, and most of us knew that it was a long shot that he would win, but we put our game faces on and hoped that the hippies would have been up to late the night before hugging trees and discussing all the ways we had been lied to by the current administration then falling asleep in the wee hours of the morning after having a nice long toke on their “peace pipe” then they would wake in the early hours of the night only to realize the polls had closed. But we weren’t so lucky. So four years of Obama, how will I pass the time? I suppose I could spend four years in the mountains chasing after the elk I see in my dreams at night, Or perhaps I can spend every waking hour on that beautiful reservoir called Strawberry. I suppose if I did that I would no longer have fiancé or job so I guess I will stay here and try to ignore what is going on with my country. I will have a wedding in march I can focus on then Nascar will be back on and baseball season will be right around the corner. I can do this! After all, if all I do is whine I will start to look like one of those whiney weenie liberals. Eight years we heard them cry. Four years and then hopefully we will have the opportunity to vote for Mr. Mitt Romney . Until then…….GO JIMMY GO!! RAH RAH ANGELS!!!! WOO HOO JAZZ and to all the elk and fishes………WATCH OUT!!

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