Rest easy Utah! Our smart people we have elected to make our laws have saved us all! Unemployment is at 4.6% which is low compared to other states in the nation, 15% of Salt Lakes home owners have negative equity in there homes. The states budget is out of wack but no worries because our trusted elected officials have been hard at work on Utah’s capitol hill and they have been tackling the ruff issues. For example we all will be able rest easy tonight knowing that the state will now do away with the little stickers you see on a bottle of booze you purchase from the state liquor store. Turns out that those little stickers costs the state of Utah $950,000 that’s right I typed in the right number . How in the hell does it cost that much to put a little sticker on the bottle? The local news is plastered with news about how they are re working the crazy Utah liquor laws and I cant help but think there are some more important issues that they could be fighting over , people have been getting there cocktails and getting drunk just fine for the last 29 years of my life I cant speak much farther back than that but if we did a survey I think you would find that it goes back farther than that. Tourism is not effected by these laws, people still want to ski Utah and visit our national parks, why is this the main issue they are focusing on? And while I am bitching why is Jonny spending our states bail out money on attracting people to come to our state and make movies? My official vote is they are all jack asses and the can go sit in the truck!
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