We have told Energy Solutions no once before when they said they wanted to bring nuclear waste from Europe to Utah but they wont give up. Now they have offered to split the profit with us 50/50. I know that the people that run our state are not ones to turn down money (just look at your latest tax return) but I hope they still say no to them. Don’t get me wrong the folks at Energy Solutions have made it sound pretty sweet. The facility that they would be taking this nuclear waste to is in Clive Utah, it has a 4.3 acre capacity and this waste they want to bring in to our state would only take up five percent of that area. Over the purposed ten year deal it would bring in over a billion dollars for our state and with the way our economy is it sounds pretty good, we are in the middle of laying of law enforcement and teachers just to make the budget this year . After this legislative session it is very obvious that our state needs money, I am not sure why when we are one of the highest taxed states but we do need the money. I still don’t like it.
I guess it is mostly because I love Utah and I hate the thought of our state becoming the dumping ground for the worlds dangerous waste that they don’t wont to have in their country. I know we are a western state and we have relatively a low population in contrast to the other states in the east but why should we take on the other countries waste? From what they are saying it is more dangerous than the stuff we already house there in Clive. I trust in Energy Solutions ability to take care of and manage the waste they will bring in. That isn’t my problem. I just don’t want our great state to be seen as a dump. I believe we have one of the more beautiful states in the union and even though Clive isn’t exactly best looking town in our state it is still part of our state. For that matter is part of our country and I don’t think Americans should be so quick to turn a part of our country into the worlds dumping ground, no matter how small the town is.
I say we worry about our own nuclear waste and let the rest of the world deal with theirs. I love Utah and I hope the people on capital hill don’t let greed and money change their minds on this issue.
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