Saturday, March 20, 2010

One year and counting

Lindsey and I are at one year and neither of us can believe it has been a year already, A year ago today we were scrambling to make our back yard look half decent for the big dinner with everyone over. Praying the weather would hold out for us and we wouldn't have to try to stuff a bajillion people into our humble home. It worked! God was on our side and held the rain and snow and our evening was great! The next day we would wake up relieved with the knowledge that the day was finally here. The amount of help we received from family and friends still leaves me in awe it all came together nicely, Lindsey and I were married by a very dear family friend and that made the day all the more meaningful to me. It was an amazing day to me that I replay in my mind often.

Our home has came along way as well. New carpet has been laid, paint has been put on the wall (still not 100% complete do to my hatred of painting), the yard has come along way in one year, I had my first year of gardening which was a success in some areas and a disaster as well.

In one year we went from having a huge backyard with nothing in it to having circulated four horses in and out, we acquired a new pooch who is one of my best buddies. And I also learned that I am able harbor hostile hatred for a neighbor dog or dogs, which ever fits at the time. Mice have become a mortal enemy to me, it is a battle that I believe will rage for years to come.

I also found out that I am going to be a dad, that's huge news! That's a pretty big life change and it has all happened in one year, perhaps that is why It feels like it has gone by so fast and I only have one regret, and that is that I didn't marry her sooner.

I am sure that the next year will have even more changes, Having a baby wont mean than I just have a sick wife, in a year I will actually have to look after something that poops and isn't cover in fur. Lots of nights up with a screamer. I have tried to lecture this child while it is in mommy and tell it to stop making her sick but it doesn't listen, that shouldn't surprise me, I didn't listen to my dad like I should have, so it looks like I am going to be handing out an ass whooping on a regular basis.

Long story short this last year has been great and I am excited to see what the next year brings, our next anniversary we will still be husband and wife but mom and dad will also be added to our title. I should be a fun year.


Melinda said...

Awesome post!! Again congrats on the baby and happy anniversary :)

North Salties said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you and Lindsey! You will be an awesome Dad. I am so glad we have gotten to know you over this last year. Can't wait for the years to come.